Top 10 Priceless Ottoman Paintings by Western Artists

——————————– #10 ——————————–

Black Bashi Bazouk

Black Bashi Bazouk

Artist: Jean Leone Gerome

Title: Black Bashi-Bazouk (Başı Bozuk)

Drawing Year: 1869

Drawing Place:

Conservation Place: Private Collection

Reference: wikipedia

——————————– #9 ——————————–

La Grande Odalisque

La Grande Odalisque

Artist: Jean A. D. Ingres

Title: Le Grande Odalisque

Drawing Year: 1814

Drawing Place: Rome

Conservation Place: Louvre Museum, Paris

Reference: Wikipedia

——————————– #8 ——————————–

Roxelane Haseki Hürrem Sultan

Roxelane Haseki Hürrem Sultan

Artist: An unknown Venetian Artist

Title: Roxelana, Haseki Hürrem Sultan, Rossa Solymanni uxor,

Drawing Year: 17th century

Drawing Place: Istanbul

Conservation Place: Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul

Reference: Wikipedia

——————————– #7 ——————————–

The Battle of Varna

The Battle of Varna

Artist: Stanislaw Chlebowski

Title: Battle of Varna

Drawing Year: 1879

Drawing Place: Istanbul

Conservation Place: Budapest Museum

Reference: Wikipedia

——————————– #6 ——————————–

Sultan Selim III

Sultan Selim III

Artist: Constantine Kapıdağlı

Title: Sultan Selim III

Drawing Year: 1803

Drawing Place: Istanbul

Conservation Place: Topkapı Palace Museum, Istanbul

Reference: Wikipedia

——————————– #5 ——————————–

French ambassador's presentation of his credentials to Sultan Ahmed III

French ambassador's presentation of his credentials to Sultan Ahmed III

Artist: Jean Baptiste Van Mour

Title: Reception of the French ambassador le Vicompte D’Andrezel by Sultan Ahmed III

Drawing Year: 1724

Drawing Place: Istanbul

Conservation Place: Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux

Reference: Wikipedia

——————————– #4 ——————————–

Suleiman The Magnificient

Suleiman The Magnificent

Artist: Titian

Title: Emperor Suleiman The Magnificent

Drawing Year: sometime between 1530 and 1550

Drawing Place: Venice

Conservation Place: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie


——————————– #3 ——————————–

The Attack of Zrinyi

The Attack of Zrinyi

Artist: Johann Peter Krafft

Title: The Attack of Zrinyi

Drawing Year: 1825

Drawing Place: Budapest, Hungary

Conservation Place: Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest


——————————– #2 ——————————–

Sultan Mehmed at the Gates of Constantinople

Sultan Mehmed at the Gates of Constantinople

Artist: Fausto Zonaro

Title: Entering to Constantinople

Drawing Year: 1907

Drawing Place: Istanbul

Conservation Place: Dolmabahce Palace Museum, Istanbul


——————————– #1 ——————————–

Portrait of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror

Portrait of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror

Artist: Gentile Bellini

Title: Portrait of The Sultan Mehmed II

Drawing Year: 1480

Drawing Place: Istanbul

Conservation Place: The National Gallery (Layard Bequest), London


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